Title - Corwin Knauss
Personal Portfolio
  •    My personal web site and portfolio.
  •    Originally began on free hosting in the mid 2000s, this site evolved as a result of my personal experiments. Older versions of the site provided lessons in security, prevention of code injection, and more. Over the years, I've learned to embrace libraries and frameworks, but a majority of the site is still written custom.
  •    The current design began with a focus on a responsive layout (mobile friendly design).

Internal Development
All development listed was proprietary with specific non-disclosure agreements.

USPS via ECS Federal
  •    8 month contract through Addison Group.
  •    Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Oracle PL/SQL, Bash.
  •    Frameworks/Libraries: HighCharts (JS), Full Calendar (JS).

  •    3 month contract through Robert Half Technologies.
  •    3 year, 3 month full time employment.
  •    Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL.
  •    Frameworks/Libraries: Sencha ExtJS (JS), PHPseclib (PHP).
  •    3rd Party Software: SourceTree, Bitbucket Server, Confluence.

TEEMCO, LLC (Defunct)
  •    8 month full time employment.
  •    Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL.
  •    3rd Party Software: WordPress, MediaWiki, vTiger CRM.

Mid-Del Public Schools
  •    7 month full time contract employment.
  •    Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL.
  •    3rd Party Software: WordPress, MediaWiki, vTiger CRM.

Photos and Content © 2024 - Corwin Knauss